Test without fileds

Test without fileds

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Course Objectives

Properly treated disease free water is an essential function of all water and wastewater operators. Safe drinking water and properly treated effluent free from waterborne disease is the goal of professional operators. Without chlorination and final treatment, many would die of waterborne bacterial infections. An understanding of the need of halogens and proper disinfection will prepare the operator to provide safe and finished water or effluent for the customer. All water/wastewater operators need to completely understand commonly utilized disinfectants and processes utilized for water and wastewater treatment

Course Goals
  1. Properly treated disease free water is an essential function of all water and wastewater operators.
  2. Safe drinking water and properly treated effluent free from waterborne disease is the goal of professional operators.
  3. Without chlorination and final treatment, many would die of waterborne bacterial infections.
  4. An understanding of the need of halogens and proper disinfection will prepare the operator to provide safe and finished water or effluent for the customer.
  5. All water/wastewater operators need to completely understand commonly utilized disinfectants and processes utilized for water and wastewater treatment

Course Outcomes
  1. Properly treated disease free water is an essential function of all water and wastewater operators.
  2. Safe drinking water and properly treated effluent free from waterborne disease is the goal of professional operators.
  3. Without chlorination and final treatment, many would die of waterborne bacterial infections.
  4. An understanding of the need of halogens and proper disinfection will prepare the operator to provide safe and finished water or effluent for the customer.
  5. All water/wastewater operators need to completely understand commonly utilized disinfectants and processes utilized for water and wastewater treatment

